Erica and Leo!


2 rounds of
100 Double Unders
50 Dumbbell (50/35) or Kettlebell Deadlifts (53/35)
50 Abmat Sit-ups
50/35 Calorie Row or Bike

Post time to comments

WOD Guidance
Smooth and steady on double unders. Athlete’s choice on deadlifts and keep moving on sit ups and row or bike!

Question of the Day
Mustard or ketchup?!

Committed Club
Congrats to the following athletes below for making it into the club!
Kevin Yarkosky
Burt Welton
Ben Parker
Julie Ladimer
Brian Knopf
Rodrigo Deazevedo
Sue Ciaffoni
Shawn Barker
Silmara Perozin
Carie Facemire
Jo Agne
Nadia Abuelezam
Sarah Troiano
Lisa Polesello
Elise Kumar
Emily May
Nancy Purpura
Tracey Parker
Gretchen Freihofer
Dale Tapply
Erica Bovenschulte
Mike Ward
Kurt Graham
Daphna Cox
Paul Duddy
Jamie Denn

Box Brief