
Feliz Navidad
On a 15:00 Clock:
Work up to a Heavy Complex of…
1 High Hang Power Clean
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Power Clean
1 Push Jerk


For Time:
30 Cal Row/Bike
30 Clean and Jerks @ 165/115
30 Cal Row/Bike

Workout Guidance:
Today we have a two part adventure featuring the clean in multiple versions. Our lifting complex will work on hitting positions during the pull and creating consistency there, and the conditioning piece at the end is a fun little machine sprint sandwich with heavy Grace hidden in there…. These clean and jerks will likely be singles during this workout, so choose a load slightly heavier than you may want.

Box Brief:
December Holiday Schedule  
Saturday December 24th – 7am-10am Open Gym
Sunday December 25th – Gym Closed
Sunday January 1st – Gym Closed