We Are In This Together!

Check in to class: https://zoom.us/j/2740893085
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7 AM Class, 9 AM Class, 1030 AM Kids Fitness, 12 PM Core and Cardio, 1 PM HIIT/Sculpt, 4 PM Mobility, 5 PM Class, 6 PM Zumba

27 – 21 – 15 – 9
Dumbbell Thruster/Odd Object Thruster/PVC Thruster/Air Thruster
Burpee over DB/Burpee over Odd Object/Burpee/Up Down

General Warm Up

2 Rounds
:45 Jog in Place, Row, Bike or Ski
:30 Hold Samson Stretch (Right foot forward)
:30 Hold Samson Stretch (Left foot forward)
:30 Alternating Spiderman
10 Air Squats
:30  Inchworms 

Specific Warm Up
Dumbbell Thruster/Odd Object/PVC Thruster/Air Thruster
5 Front Squats
5 Push Press
5 Thrusters (reset when DB/OO/PVC/Hands get back to shoulders)
5 Full Thrusters (timing and speed)

Burpee Over Dumbbell/Burpee Over Odd Object/Burpee/Up Down
3 step back step up burpee/up down (step over dumbbell/object)
3 jump back step up burpee/up down (step over dumbbell/object)
3 jump back jump up burpee/up down (jump over dumbbell/object)

WOD Modifications
Reps 21-15-12-9
Dumbbell Thruster/Odd Object/PVC Thruster/Air Thruster-, Front Squat, Push Press, Air Squat, Glute Bridge, Hip Thrust
Burpee Over Dumbbell/Object/Burpee/Up Down- Plank Burpee, Knee Tucks, *If you have row, bike, ski erg- Calories 21-15-12-9

Warm Up Round
5 Dumbbell Thruster/Odd Object/PVC Thruster/Air Thruster
5 Burpee Over Dumbbell/Object/Burpee/Up Down
3 Dumbbell Thruster/Odd Object/PVC Thruster/Air Thruster
3 Burpee Over Dumbbell/Object/Burpee/Up Down

WOD Guidance
Break up bigger sets on thrusters and keep moving on the burpees. Sprint to the finish! 

Tabata Time

Question of the Day

Box Brief
Keep track of your points for the Affiliate Quarantine Cup! To keep track click HERE!
Click HERE for more information on the Affiliate Quarantine Cup!
Kids class at 1030am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!
Zumba going down Wednesday at 6 pm! Same ZOOM link!