TILT Squad!

“The Mask”
4 rounds of
15 Pull-ups
30 Goblet Squats (53/35)
45 Double Unders

Option A:
Pull-ups – 12 or 9 reps
Goblet Squats – Scale Load
Double Unders – Time Domain or Singles

Option B:
Pull-ups – Ring Rows
Goblet Squats – Air Squats
Double Unders – Singles

WOD Guidance
Manageable sets on pull ups that you can maintain all 4 rounds
1 or 2 sets on your squats
:45-1 min on your rope

Question of the Day
If you MUST get fast food, What is you best option? Place and meal.

Box Brief
TILT Affiliate Cup coming SOON! Click HERE for details!
February Mental Toughness Seminar w/ Coach Mick- Click HERE for all details
Kids Fitness Classes– Sundays @ 12:00pm-12:30pm in Sudbury
NEW Virtual Mobility Class- Every Wednesday at 4:30pm-4:45pm starting 1/20
Virtual Wine Night- Thursday 2/11 @ 7:00pm – Click HERE for all details