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7 AM Class, 9 AM Class, 12 PM Core and Cardio, 1 PM Bodybuilding, 4 PM Mobility, 5 PM Class, 6 PM Zumba

Death By…
Minute 1:
2 Dumbbell/Odd Object Power Clean
10 Lunges
Minute 2:
4 Dumbbell/Odd Object Power Clean
10 Lunges
Minute 3:
6 Dumbbell/Odd Object Power Clean
10 Lunges

And so on and so forth, continuing up by 2 Dumbbell Power Cleans each round until you cannot complete the required amount of work within the minute, or until you spontaneously combust.

General Warm Up

2 Rounds

:30 Jumping Jacks
:30 Alternating Samson and Reach
:30 Good Mornings
2 Rounds
:30 Jumps Over Dumbbell
:30 Soldier Kicks

Movement Specific Warm Up-
Dumbbell/Odd Object Power Clean:
5 Deadlifts (each side)
5 Hang Power Clean (each side)
5 Power Cleans (each side)

6 Alternating Forward Lunges
6 Alternating Reverse Lunges
6 Workout Style Lunges

Warm Up Round
2 Power Clean
4 Lunges
4 Power Clean
4 Lunges

WOD Guidance
Today is all about keeping your heart rate steady for as long as possible.
Choose a number of lunges you can complete in about :15-:20 seconds at most.
Number of Power Cleans is TOTAL (1 rep on the right, then 1 rep on the left = 2 reps)

WOD Modifications
Power Cleans- Increase by 1 rep each round, Hang Power Clean, Hops Over Dumbbell or Odd Object
Lunges- Decrease Reps to 8 or 6, Step Ups, High Knee March Steps, Glute Bridges

Question of the Day
Which hot sauce reigns supreme?

Tabata Time

Box Brief
Keep track of your points for the Affiliate Quarantine Cup! To keep track click HERE!
Click HERE for more information on the Affiliate Quarantine Cup!
Kids class at 1030am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!