
Triple Double
For Time:
75 Double Unders
50 Burpees
75 Double Under
50 Wall Balls (20/14#)
75 Double Unders
50 Burpees
75 Double Unders

Post times to comments.

WOD Guidance
It is all about finding a continuous pace throughout today’s workout. If there is anywhere to push the pace, its on your last set of burpees!
Find a modification on the double unders that you can complete in 2-3 sets.

Question of the Day
What 3 things would you bring to a deserted island?

Box Brief
**Save the Date**
2 Year Anniversary/End of Summer Pool Party
Where: Ana and Rodrigo’s House
When: Sunday August 19th @ 12:30pm
Potluck Style! Family and friends are all welcome.