
1500m Row/Ski or 3000m Bike
75 KBS @ 53/35
1000m Row/Ski or 2000m Bike
60 Goblet Squats @53/35
500m Row/Ski or 1000m Bike
45 Pull-ups

Question of the Day
What song gets stuck in your head the hardest?

Box Brief
Remember to input your Week 1 & 2 Affiliate Cup points at the gym!

TILT 6 Year Anniversary and 22.3 – Friday, March 11th @ 6:00pm – Click HERE for details
*Sudbury, Southborough, and Waltham will all be holding a 4:30pm class on 3/11.
22.3 Friday Night Lights on 3/11 will only be taking place in Waltham for all gyms to attend.