
“I Barley Know Her”
40 Double Unders
40 KB Thrusters 35/20
40 Double Unders
40 Burpees
40 Double Unders 40/20
40 KB Thrusters
40 Double Unders

WOD Guidance
Very high heart rate workout today.  KB thrusters can be an awkward moment, we should choose a weight we can hold onto for at least sets of 10.  Thats the only movement we are looking to break up here.  Everything else we should try to push the pace and go hard on these body weight movements.

Question of the Day
“Whats your favorite pair of shoes you own?”

Box Brief
Halloween Throwdown
Saturday, October 30th we are having our Halloween Throwdown! It will be a partner workout Saturday morning with more fun to come after! Check HERE for more details!

Mindset Seminar w/ Coach Rachel – Sunday, November 14th – Click HERE for all details

 Join Coach Rachel Binette as she details the what, why, and how of working on mindset for sport and for life. Mindset is the least trained modality of our fitness, and it’s the most powerful. Participants will learn the Mindset Rx’d methodology to assess and to train their mindset effectively and efficiently.